
Museo de Sanidad e Higiéne Publica

The development of the Museum of Health and Public Hygiene began in 1995 and it is a centre which is unique in its speciality in Spain.

It is located in Pavilion 14 on the Chamartín campus, in the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, where the laboratories of the Hospital Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas (known as Hospital del Rey) used to be.

Its objective is to manage the collections of objects, books and documents that reflect the most significant aspects of the history and development of public health in our country, with a view to conserving them and making them more widely available. In this way it is hoped that research in this field will be promoted, making specialised technical support available to researchers, teachers and specialists that need it,

With the aim of raising the profile of this collection, on 19 July 2010, an agreement was signed with the Real Academia Nacional de Medicina, with a view to making resources mutually available, through cooperation in the organisation of permanent and temporary exhibitions dealing with the theme of public health.


                                    Tríptico Museo de Sanidad                                                 El Museo de Sanidad en 43 segundos                                    

