The Banco Nacional de Líneas Celulares (BNCL) is a network structure with 3 node . Its main objective is to support pluripotent stem cell research through provision of a high quality, well characterised collection of human pluripotent stem cell lines (hESC or hiPSC) for biomedical research.
Banco Nacional de Líneas Celulares (BNLC) is under the direction of the Subdirección General de Investigación en Terapia Celular y Medicina Regenerativa of the Instituto de Salud Carlos IIICarlos III.
BNLC nodes are located in Barcelona and Valencia. The central node is located in Granada.
Law 14/2007, of biomedical research
One of the BNLC’s aim is to promote quality of the procedures for obtaining pluripotent stem cell, to follow the ethical principles applicable on biomedical research, to maintain data confidentiality and all other requirements according to the current regulations, as Ley 35/1988, November 22nd, about Assisted Reproduction Techniques, Ley 45/2003, November 21st, Law 14/2007, on biomedical research and Law 3/2018, December 5th, regarding personal data protection. The principles of precaution, proportionality and non profit will be followed.
More information about BNLC.
Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Subdirección General de Investigación en Terapia Celular y
Medicina Regenerativa
Dirección: Avda. Monforte de Lemos, 5. 28029 Madrid, España
Teléfono: (34) 91 8222194
Correo electrónico:
Links of interests
Cell Therapy Network (TerCel Network)
The International Stem Cell Forum (ISCF)
UK Stem Cell Bank registry
European Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry – hESCreg
National Institutes of Health - NIH registry
European Bank for induced pluripotent Stem Cells (EBiSC)
Integrated Collection of Stem Cell Bank data by MIACARM